A bond called friendship

A famous saying goes - "show me your friends and i will tell your character" . Friendship is the elixir of life... How often we feel the urge and the need to share our deepest fears, boundless joy and seamless affection with a dear pal!! It is one of the very few relationships that knows not any boundary such as color,caste,age or sex. Man has always felt the need to socialize, to love and be loved in turn and he finds that fulfilled by a friend who lends a shouder to cry on and many a memory to cherish. I cannot imagine what would befall me if I were to not have my dearest friends by me side when i need them. In today's fast paced world are we doing justice to those old or distant friends whom we sometimes so easily forget? Are we so busy to not have time to return a smile, a greeting?.. How often we take our friends for granted!!!.. Go on, reach out.. Give your buddy a hug, thank them from the bottom of your hearts and cherish this beautiful,everlasting bond you share ...