Born Free

It felt warm and tender. I wondered how it would be to leave this nest and go out to face the world. It was exciting but at the same time it terrified me. The world as I see it is bad and ugly, rude and heartless. I doubted if there was place in it for me- a child born of RAPE! I had heard the word so many times and it echoed as it passed through the womb I lay curled in. The woman who is to give birth to me was already being called by a number of names- witch, slut, bitch, wretched creature… I don’t know why, I don’t understand either. All I know is that to me she would be the world; I will call her “mother”. She talks to me every night and I listen to her silent sobs, feeling helpless that I cannot wipe them. She tells me of that stormy night when a rogue exploited her and left her with nothing – no honor, no happiness and no respect. The only thing he left behind was me. I am a mistake he made, a trace he left behind, a puzzle to the mystery the investigators are trying to so...