
Showing posts from October, 2010

Just like a child..

Childhood is the most unforgettable phase of an individual's life. A time when we laughed and played, with nothing to worry about. The Bulls and Bears never affected us and we didn't have to discuss the potential of the new Government. Just one look at a carefree child, with a toothless grin and playing on nature's lap brings a smile on everyone's face.. bringing back sweet memories of one's own childhood!. Today, we are what the society calls "adults", with access to visit a pub, drive a 4-wheeler, and even choose a life partner. today we are engineers, doctors, lawyers, or journalists, living in a world of our own- our family and our friends. But what we forget is the child within us, locked up in a cage. A child that yearns to go back to the playground and immerse itself in all the fun and frolic, forgetting the troubles that come our way. A child that cannot wait to get a bite of that yummy chocolate cake that could spell the end of a diabet...

Children of a lesser God

Everyday we encounter a multitude of faces, some young and chirpy, some old and wise.But the face that is etched in my memory is of the little girl peeking through my car window with a forlorn look oh her timid face and a bunch of roses in her hands. That face seemed to communicate so much. It spoke of hunger, pain, poverty, illiteracy, and at the same time hope and a will to survive !. The signal turned green and I moved on, but my thoughts remained . Her eyes seemed to be rooted on me, questioning me. Questions that I did know the answer to. Why are some of us fortunate to be blessed with luxury while others have the sky as their roof and the earth as their bed!?. Why is it that some children get a toy to play with every day while others shed silent tears , faces covered in grease?! Are these children of a lesser God?!